Inclusive Design Across Government

Inclusive design in government means identifying and removing barriers to critical services, information, and benefits. It’s a commitment to building modern solutions that deliver support in the moments that matter. 

Ensuring Equitable Access to Government Services

Advanced customer experience (CX) is about more than driving efficiency in process, setting up an experience function, or deploying customer IT solutions. It’s about embracing a human-centered, outcomes-oriented culture at every level of the enterprise—prioritizing customer voices and serving their varying and evolving demographic needs.

By standing up and rolling out CX-focused programs and offices for clients like the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), we’re helping agencies leverage design thinking, user-centered design, and advanced CX methodologies to make critical government services easier to understand and access across segments of an ever growing, ever-changing America.

Booz Allen offers a full suite of services:

  • Experience and equity assessment
  • Human-centered strategy and design
  • Experience analytics
  • Technical implementation
  • CX organization and leadership development

Federal Innovators Are Pushing CX Forward

“Federal chief experience officers are ahead of the curve in their understanding of the importance of CX. They see the need to take it further—to imbed its principles deep into agency culture and unlock new potential at every stage of the mission lifecycle.”

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