As Ron Craig, our vice president for space solutions and strategy, points out, “Every space leader we talk to needs smarter data, faster.” And we know that defense organizations, intelligence agencies, and commercial space businesses all have different goals, as well as missions that must adapt to new threats and priorities. So flexibility was table stakes.
Accordingly, we developed a flexible open-architecture framework allowing us to employ agents with varying expertise and train them to work together—for example, an orbital expert agent and a missile warning agent.
For the user experience, we designed a conversational interface so operators can rapidly receive information, alerts, and recommended courses of action. On the front end, the operator chats with the concierge agent, which communicates with the others and delivers consolidated feedback. The interface, a chatbot that accommodates multiple languages, can be modified—for example, to communicate via voice commands.
On the back end, the solution continually ingests the most recent SDA-STM observation and space environment data, overlays it with threat intelligence, and incorporates the most recent owner and operator ephemeris, vehicle state data, and maneuver plans. It also executes high-fidelity propagation models that incorporate near real-time drag predictions, increasing accuracy while reducing false alerts.
The solution applies AI and machine learning (AI/ML) to all that valuable data, automatically generating recommended courses of action—highlighting the option that presents the least risks or requires the least fuel, for example.
We launched the solution at the April 2024 Space Symposium. Our team loved seeing space operators excited about both its technical capabilities and how easy it is for humans to test-drive. It’s a breakthrough made possible by the complementary abilities of the powerful triad of operations specialists, AI architects, and GenAI.