- Agency: DOD IAC Program Management Office, Defense Technical Information Center (DTIC)
- Issuing Office: AFICA/KD
- Authorized to Issue Orders: All Federal Agencies
- Scope: All cyber security and information systems-related research, development, test and evaluation (RDT&E) services and/or analyses that will generate scientific and technical information (STI) in support of contract objectives. CS TAT offers expert research and analysis to government, industry, academia, and other approved users in the four technical areas listed below. STI products and services provided under CS TAT are intended to increase the productivity of the RDT&E community, as well as other scientific and engineering group
- Technical Focus Areas: Software Data and Analysis, Cyber Security (CS), Modeling and Simulation (M&S), Knowledge Management (KM) & Information Sharing
- Period of Performance: December 2015 through November 2020 (ordering period)
- Contract Type: FFP; CPFF; FFP-LOE
- Contract Number: FA8075-16-D-0003
- Government Fees: 1.9%
- Ceiling: $5 billion